Olivia Viera

Cron in Linux

cron in Linux

The cron in Linux is the same as the Time Schedule in Windows and has the ability to set the execution of commands at the specified time. In this article, we will install the cron in Linux and then we…

Edit the Sudoers File

How to edit the sudoers file
In this article, we want to teach you how to edit the Sudoers file. you can use your favorite Linux distribution like Centos 7, Debian, Fedora and etc, and other versions of them. It works the same as each other. Here we use Ubuntu 20.04.

Introduction To the WordPress system

introduction to the wordpress system
CMS stands for content management system, which means that sites with dynamic content generally use these systems. in this article on the Orcacore website, we want to discuss an introduction to the WordPress system.

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