Sam Susari

Install OpenJDK 19 on Centos 7

Install OpenJDK 19 (Java 19) on Centos 7

In this tutorial, we want to teach you to Install OpenJDK 19 (Java 19) on Centos 7. OpenJDK is a free, open-source version of the Java Development Kit for the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). OpenJDK, which stands for Open Java Development Kit, originated from…

Install Ntopng on Rocky Linux 9

Install Ntopng Monitoring Tool on Rocky Linux 9

This guide intends to teach you to Install Ntopng Monitoring Tool on Rocky Linux 9. Introduction To Ntopng ntopng is a network top program that lets admins display all the relevant parameters for the connected networks. Ntopng is a passive network monitoring…

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