Install ManageEngine OpManager on Ubuntu 22.04

This guide intends to show you to Install ManageEngine OpManager on Ubuntu 22.04 and Monitor your Network with it. If you are a network administrator, one of the most important tasks that you should do is monitor your network. Network monitoring lets you detect issues and resolve them before they affect your system.

For this purpose, there are many network monitoring tools that you can use. One of them is ManageEngine OpManager. With OpManager you can monitor any network device including servers, switches, routers, printers, WLAN controllers, VMs, firewalls, etc. 

Now follow the rest of the article to install the latest OpManager on your Ubuntu 22.04 from the command line and start your network monitoring.

Steps To Install ManageEngine OpManager on Ubuntu 22.04

Before you start your OpManager installation, you must have access to your server as a non-root user with sudo privileges. To do this, you can visit this guide on Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 22.04.

Then, follow the steps below to complete this guide.

Step 1 – Download OpManager Installer Script From ManageEngine Site

First, you must run the system update by using the following command:

sudo apt update

Then, you must visit the ManageEngine official website and get the OpManager installer for Linux by using the following wget command:

sudo wget

When your download is completed, make your file executable by using the following command:

sudo chmod u+x ManageEngine_OpManager_64bit.bin

Step 2 – Install OpManager on Ubuntu 22.04

At this point, you can run your OpManager installer by using the following command on Ubuntu 22.04:

sudo ./ManageEngine_OpManager_64bit.bin

The installer will ask you some questions. First, press Enter to accept the terms of service and enter Y. Then, you will ask to register for technical support, press Y or N as you will.

Next, you must enter the installation directory or accept the default folder.

The default port used by the OpManager web server is 8060. You can change it or accept the default.

Finally, read your OpManager summary configuration and start your installation on Ubuntu 22.04.

When your installation is completed, you will get the following output:

Installation Completed

Congratulations! ManageEngine OpManager has been successfully installed to:

Readme file is available at /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/README.html

Technical support :

Step 3 – How To Start ManageEngine OpManager?

At this point, you can switch to your OpManager bin directory by using the command below:

cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/bin

Then, start your OpManager service on Ubuntu 22.04 with the following command:

sudo ./

This will take some time to start. When it is completed, you will get the following output:

jvm 1    | DService                                          [ STARTED ]
jvm 1    | TPIService                                        [ STARTED ]
jvm 1    | ADSFService                                       [ STARTED ]
jvm 1    | ADSService                                        [ STARTED ]
jvm 1    | WebService                                        [ STARTED ]
jvm 1    |
jvm 1    | Server started in :: [233626 ms]
jvm 1    |
jvm 1    | Connect to: [ https://...:8061 ]

From the output, you will get an URL that you can use to access your ManageEngine OpManager dashboard.

Step 4 – How To Access ManageEngine OpManager Dashbaord?

At this point, you can access your OpManager dashboard on Ubuntu 22.04 by typing the provided URL in your web browser. In my case, it is:


You should see the OpManager login page. Enter admin as the username and password and click Login.

OpManager login screen

Now you should see your OpManager dashboard.

ManageEngine OpManager dashboard

Then, proceed to the next step to start your OpManager as a service.

Step 5 – How To Run OpManager as a Service?

At this point, if you want to run your OpManager as a service, close the connection by pressing the ctrl + c. Then, navigate to the OpManager bin directory:

cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/bin

Next, run the following command:

sudo ./

Here you can start your OpManager in Ubuntu 22.04 as a service:

sudo systemctl start OpManager.service

Check your service status:

sudo systemctl status OpManager.service

To stop your service, you can use the command below:

sudo systemctl stop OpManager.service


At this point, you have learned to Install ManageEngine OpManager on Ubuntu 22.04, Start and Access your OpManager dashboard, and run your OpManager as a service. It is a great tool that you can use to start your Network monitoring through a web interface.

Hope you enjoy using it. Need any Help? Feel free and comment for us.

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