Manage Repositories with DNF Config Manager Plugin

This guide will show you how to Manage Repositories with DNF Config Manager Plugin in RHEL. As you must know, DNF is the default package manager for RHEL-based distros. It can be used to install, update, and remove packages on your distribution.

If you are a RHEL-based Linux user, you must face with DNF Config Manager plugin in your daily tasks. The DNF config manager plugin is provided by DNF Plugins Core and it can be used to manage repositories on your server.

Here we want to show you the usage of this plugin with examples.

Steps To Manage Repositories with DNF Config Manager Plugin in RHEL

To show you the guide steps, we will use AlmaLinux 9 as our server. Now follow the steps below to complete this guide.

The Dnf config manager will help you to configure the repositories much more easily.

Step 1 – Syntax Command

The syntax of this command is like the following:

dnf config-manager [options] <section>...

Note: If you face the following error:

dnf-config-manager command not found

You must use the syntax correctly. It shouldn’t have the dash after DNF.

The dnf config-manager plugin must be installed by default in the RHEL-Based distros. If you don’t have it, you can install it by using the command below:

sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core 

Now follow the steps below to see how you can manage your repositories with this plugin.

Step 2 – Add Repositories with DNF Config Manager

At this point, you can use this plugin to add your desired repositories. For this purpose, you should use the –add-repo option with your desired URL. This will help you to add your desired repositories on RHEL. For example:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo 

Step 2 – Enable Repositories with DNF Config Manager

After adding your repos, you may want to enable them. This plugin will also help you to enable the repositories by using the –set-enabled option with your added repository. For example:

sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled myrepo

Step 3 – Disable Repositories with DNF Config Manager

At this point, if you plan to disable your repository, you can easily use the –set-disabled option in the command with your enabled repository. For example:

sudo dnf config-manager --set-disabled myrepo

Step 4 – DNF Config-Manager Options

As you saw, this plugin can help you to configure the repositories much easier. To get more options and usage, you can run the following help command:

sudo dnf config-manager --help-cmd

In the output, you should see:

manage dnf configuration options and repositories

General DNF options:
  -c [config file], --config [config file]
                        config file location
  -q, --quiet           quiet operation
  -v, --verbose         verbose operation
  --version             show DNF version and exit
  --installroot [path]  set install root
  --nodocs              do not install documentations
  --noplugins           disable all plugins
  --enableplugin [plugin]
                        enable plugins by name
  --disableplugin [plugin]
                        disable plugins by name
  --releasever RELEASEVER
                        override the value of $releasever in config and repo
  --setopt SETOPTS      set arbitrary config and repo options
  --skip-broken         resolve depsolve problems by skipping packages
  -h, --help, --help-cmd
                        show command help
  --allowerasing        allow erasing of installed packages to resolve
  -b, --best            try the best available package versions in
  --nobest              do not limit the transaction to the best candidate
  -C, --cacheonly       run entirely from system cache, don't update cache
  -R [minutes], --randomwait [minutes]
                        maximum command wait time
  -d [debug level], --debuglevel [debug level]
                        debugging output level
  --debugsolver         dumps detailed solving results into files
  --showduplicates      show duplicates, in repos, in list/search commands
  -e ERRORLEVEL, --errorlevel ERRORLEVEL
                        error output level
  --obsoletes           enables dnf's obsoletes processing logic for upgrade
                        or display capabilities that the package obsoletes for
                        info, list and repoquery
  --rpmverbosity [debug level name]
                        debugging output level for rpm
  -y, --assumeyes       automatically answer yes for all questions
  --assumeno            automatically answer no for all questions
  --enablerepo [repo]   Temporarily enable repositories for the purpose of the
                        current dnf command. Accepts an id, a comma-separated
                        list of ids, or a glob of ids. This option can be
                        specified multiple times.
  --disablerepo [repo]  Temporarily disable active repositories for the
                        purpose of the current dnf command. Accepts an id, a
                        comma-separated list of ids, or a glob of ids. This
                        option can be specified multiple times, but is
                        mutually exclusive with `--repo`.
  --repo [repo], --repoid [repo]
                        enable just specific repositories by an id or a glob,
                        can be specified multiple times
  --enable              enable repos with config-manager command
                        (automatically saves)
  --disable             disable repos with config-manager command
                        (automatically saves)
  -x [package], --exclude [package], --excludepkgs [package]
                        exclude packages by name or glob
  --disableexcludes [repo], --disableexcludepkgs [repo]
                        disable excludepkgs
  --repofrompath [repo,path]
                        label and path to an additional repository to use
                        (same path as in a baseurl), can be specified multiple
  --noautoremove        disable removal of dependencies that are no longer
  --nogpgcheck          disable gpg signature checking (if RPM policy allows)
  --color COLOR         control whether color is used
  --refresh             set metadata as expired before running the command
  -4                    resolve to IPv4 addresses only
  -6                    resolve to IPv6 addresses only
  --destdir DESTDIR, --downloaddir DESTDIR
                        set directory to copy packages to
  --downloadonly        only download packages
  --comment COMMENT     add a comment to transaction
  --bugfix              Include bugfix relevant packages, in updates
  --enhancement         Include enhancement relevant packages, in updates
  --newpackage          Include newpackage relevant packages, in updates
  --security            Include security relevant packages, in updates
  --advisory ADVISORY, --advisories ADVISORY
                        Include packages needed to fix the given advisory, in
                        Include packages needed to fix the given BZ, in
  --cve CVES, --cves CVES
                        Include packages needed to fix the given CVE, in
  --sec-severity {Critical,Important,Moderate,Low}, --secseverity {Critical,Imrtant,Moderate,Low}
                        Include security relevant packages matching the
                        severity, in updates
  --forcearch ARCH      Force the use of an architecture

Config-manager command-specific options:
  --save                save the current options (useful with --setopt)
  --add-repo URL        add (and enable) the repo from the specified file or
  --dump                print current configuration values to stdout
  --dump-variables      print variable values to stdout
  --set-enabled         enable repos (automatically saves)
  --set-disabled        disable repos (automatically saves)

  repo                  repo to modify


At this point, you have learned to Use the DNF Config Manager Plugin in RHEL. Just remember that when you want to add and enable a repository, use the repository source you trust. Hope you enjoy it. You may be interested in these articles:

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How To Install Java with DNF on AlmaLinux 9

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