How To Set up JetBackup for cPanel

In this article, we want to teach you How To Set up JetBackup for cPanel.

JetBackup is a leading backup solution for cPanel which allows you to backup your cPanel account quickly and efficiently through cPanel Remote or local incremental backups.

This includes full account backups, files, emails, DNS zone, cronjobs, databases, and SSL certificates.

Also, it allows you to create account filters to include/exclude accounts by disk space, resellers, cPanel packages, etc. All of these features are wrapped up in an easily navigatable user-friendly GUI.

How To Set up JetBackup for cPanel

To set up JetBackup, you need to log in to your server as a root user.

Then, follow the steps below to install JetBackup on your server.

Install JetBackup

To install JetBackup on your server, run the following commands as root to add the JetBackup repository:

# yum install

# yum clean all --enablerepo=jetapps*

# yum install jetapps-cpanel --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=jetapps

Now you can install the latest stable version of JetBackup on your server with both CLI and WHM.

From the Command Line:

To set up the latest stable version of Jetbackup for cPanel, run the command below:

jetapps --install jetbackup stable

Note: You can select the tier by replacing stable with edge or beta.

From WHM:

First, you need to log in to your WHM as root and navigate to the cPanel option.

Then, you need to select the Manage Plugins option, and from the list of plugins, select the ‘JetApps’ to proceed to JetBackup.

Finally, select the version and tier for the installation and click the ‘Approve’ button.

At this point, you have set up JetBackup on cPanel. Let’s see how to upgrade it.

Upgrade JetBackup to the Latest Version

At this point, you can manually upgrade the JetBackup from the CLI for cPanel with the command below:

jetapps -u jetbackup

Note: If you want to upgrade the JetBackup automatically on cPanel, you can activate the auto-update and update tier settings from the JetApps menu inside the WHM.

Also, if you want to change the updated tier manually, run the following command:

jetapps --chtier jetbackup <tier>

You can replace the <tier> tag with your desired tier type (stable, beta, or edge).

JetBackup will register your license once you activate it. The license will register your server’s Public IP.

If you check if your JetBackup license is valid, run the following command from the server’s CLI as the root user:

jetcli backup –license

Now that you have set up and upgraded your JetBackup on cPanel, we want to show you how to remove it from your system.

Remove JetBackup on cPanel

To remove JetBackup, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to WHM server GUI as root user and navigate to the ‘cPanel’ option.
  2. Select the ‘Manage Plugin ‘option and select JetApps from the list of plugins.
  3. Select JetBackup under the JetApps and click the ‘Uninstall’ button.

To altogether remove the JetBackup from the system, run the following command from the command line:

# yum remove jetbackup-core

Next, run the following command to uninstall JetApps, including the JetApps plugins:

# yum remove jetapps-repo


Backups are absolutely a necessity if you wish for any degree of data redundancy. At this point, you learn to Set up JetBackup on cPanel.

Hope you enjoy it.

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