Fix apt add repository Command Not Found on Debian 11 Best Solution

In this guide on the Orcacore website, we intend to teach you How To Fix apt add repository Command Not Found on Debian 11. add-apt-repository is a Python script that allows you to add an APT repository to either /etc/apt/sources. list or to a separate file in the /etc/apt/sources. list. d directory.

However, after running the “apt-add-repository” command for the first time in your Debian 11 system, you may receive the “apt-add-repository command not found” error.

This error appears because the package “software-properties-common” to which the “apt-add-repository” command belongs is missing from your system.

Fix apt add repository Command Not Found on Debian 11

If you face this error on your Debian 11 system, you can follow the guide steps below to fix the apt add repository error. Let’s see how we can fix the issue.

Resolve the “apt-add-repository” Command Not Found on Debian 11

The first step is to update your Debian system repository with the following command:

sudo apt update

Install Software-Properties-Common Package on Debian 11

This software provides an abstraction of the used apt repositories. It allows you to easily manage your distribution and independent software vendor software sources.

This package contains the common files for software properties like the apt-add-repository.

You can easily install the Software-Properties-Common Package by running the command below:

sudo apt install software-properties-common
Install Software-Properties-Common Package on Debian 11

Then, update the repository again with:

sudo apt update

Confirm apt-add-repository is available on Debian 11

At this point, you can verify that apt-add-repository is available on your server by running the command below:

dpkg --listfiles software-properties-common | grep apt-add-repository
Confirm apt-add-repository is available on Debian 11

As you can see from the output, the apt-add-repository is a part of the software-properties-common package.

That’s it you are done.


The apt-add-repository command on Debian 11 is used to add external repositories (PPAs or third-party software sources) to your system’s APT package manager. However, unlike Ubuntu, Debian does not enable PPAs by default, and you may need to install additional packages before using this command. At this point, you have learned to Fix the “apt add repository” Command Not Found on Debian 11.

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Why am I getting the error apt add repository: command not found on Debian 11?

Debian does not include apt-add-repository by default. It is part of the software-properties-common package, which must be installed manually.

What is the purpose of apt-add-repository?

The apt-add-repository command is used to add external software repositories (PPAs or third-party sources) to the APT package manager.

Is apt-add-repository necessary on Debian?

Not always. Debian does not officially support Ubuntu’s PPA system, and many software packages are available through standard repositories. However, it can be useful for adding third-party sources.

What if installing software-properties-common doesn’t fix the issue?

Ensure you also install gnupg to handle key management:
sudo apt install gnupg -y

Can I use apt-add-repository to add Ubuntu PPAs on Debian?

Not all PPAs are compatible with Debian. Some may cause dependency issues. Always check compatibility before adding a PPA.

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