Fix CSF Error: Warning Binary Location for HOST Incorrect

If you use CSF firewall for managing your server firewall, you might face this error Warning Binary Location for HOST Incorrect. The full error looks like this :

*WARNING* Binary location for [HOST] [/usr/bin/host] in /etc/csf/csf.conf is either incorrect, is not installed or is not executable

The error message you saw indicates that the ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) is having trouble finding or executing the host command, which is typically located in /usr/bin/host. Now you can follow the guide steps on the Orcacore website to resolve CSF Error: Warning Binary Location for HOST Incorrect.

Quick Solution To Resolve CSF Error: Warning Binary Location for HOST Incorrect

As we said, the cause of this warning message is that CSF can’t find or execute the host command. To fix this issue, follow the steps below:

1- Check if the host is Installed:

First, you need to verify if the host command is installed on your system. To do this, you can run the command below:

which host

If you don’t see anything in your output, means the host is not installed on your server.

2- Install host:

If the host is not installed, you need to install it. The host command is part of the bind-utils package on CentOS/RHEL and dnsutils on Debian/Ubuntu. You can use the following commands to install it:

sudo dnf install bind-utils   #Centos/RHEL
sudo apt install dnsutils     #Debian/Ubuntu

After your installation is completed, verify the host command again:

which host

In your output, you should see /usr/bin/host or another valid path.

3- Update CSF Config File:

At this point, you must edit the CSF config file, find the Host line, and update it to the correct path. To do this, you can use the following command:

sudo vi /etc/csf/csf.conf

Find the line with HOST and update it to the correct path. For example:

# If the output of `which host` was /usr/local/bin/host, update to:
HOST = "/usr/local/bin/host"

When you are done, save and close the file.

4- Check the Correct Permissions:

Now you need to be sure that the host binary is executable. To do this, you can run the command below:

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/host

Adjust the path if the host is located elsewhere.

Finally, restart the CSF to apply the changes:

sudo csf -r

At this point, you should be able to fix CSF Error: Warning Binary Location for HOST Incorrect.

Additional Tips For WARNING Binary location for [HOST]

Here are some additional tips to fix the binary location for the host in CSF:

  • Log Files: If the problem persists, check the CSF log files for more detailed error messages. The logs are typically located in /var/log/lfd.log.
  • Reinstall CSF: In a few cases, if the issue persists even after following these steps, consider reinstalling CSF to ensure all configurations are correct.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error related to the binary location for the host command in your CSF configuration.


If your CSF firewall having trouble finding and executing the Host command, you need to install the host command and update the correct path in the CSF config file. You can easily do the above steps to Fix CSF Error: Warning Binary Location for HOST Incorrect.

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