Run Internet Speed Test in Windows PowerShell: 4 Easy Steps

This guide intends to teach you to Run Internet Speed Test in Windows PowerShell with Speed-test CLI. You can use Speed-test CLI to measure internet connection performance metrics like download, upload, latency, and packet loss natively without relying on a web browser. Follow the rest of the article from the Orcacore website to complete this guide.

Steps To Run Internet Speed Test in Windows PowerShell

To Run Internet Speed Test in Windows PowerShell, you must log in to your Windows client system and follow the steps below to see how you can use speed-test CLI in Windows PowerShell.

Step 1 – Download Speed Test CLI on Windows

At this point, you must visit the Speed Test Official site and download the CLI APP for Windows.

Download Speedtest CLI for Windows
Run Internet Speed Test in Windows PowerShell

Then, open your ZIP file and extract your file in your Windows. Create a directory anywhere on your system with a name related to Speedtest and place the speedtest.exe in the folder.

Extract Speedtest file in Windows

Step 2 – Add Speed Test CLI Path to System Environment Variables

At this point, you must add your Speed test path to your Windows environment variables. To do this, from your start menu search for env and open the Edit System Environment Variables.

Edit System Environment Variables in Windows

From there, click on the Environment Variables button.

Open Windows Environment variables

Now under the User Variables double-click on Path.

Edit User variables path in Windows

Then, a window will open. From there, click on New.

Create a new user variable path in Windows

Then, add your Speed Test CLI path folder to it.

Add Speed test CLI path to Windows

Finally, click OK to finish the process.

Step 3 – Use Speed Test CLI in Windows PowerShell

At this point, you can start to use your Speed test CLI in Windows. You need to open your PowerShell and run it as an administrator. To do this, you can check this guide Run PowerShell as Administrator on Windows.

From your PowerShell, simply run the following command:


You need to accept the license agreement by pressing Y to continue.

Start using Speed Test CLI in Windows

When it is completed, you will get the following output:

Run Speed Test CLI

Step 4 – Speed Test CLI Options in Windows

You can use Speed Test CLI to test the speed and performance of your internet connection from the command line interface. To get more options and help, you can run the command below:

speedtest -h

You will get the following output:

Speed Test CLI Options


At this point, you have learned to Run an Internet Speed Test in Windows PowerShell with Speed-test CLI. You can easily download the Speed Test CLI App, add it to your system environment variables, and start using it from the command line interface in your Windows machine.

Hope you enjoy it. Also, you may interested in the following guides:

Check Internet Speed in Linux Terminal

Install Keeper Password Manager on Windows

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