Make Sticky Notes Stay on Windows Desktop with 2 Easy Steps

This guide from the Windows Client Tutorials will show you how to Make Sticky Notes Stay on Windows Desktop. Sticky Notes can launch at startup in Windows. You can easily follow the steps below to see how to make sticky notes open at startup.

Steps To Make Sticky Notes Stay on Windows Desktop

When you are done working with your Sticky notes, do not close the sticky note window. You need to leave it open when you want to shut down your Windows. With this option, every time you shut down and start your Windows you have your Sticky notes stay on the desktop.

For some reason, may this isn’t working. In that case, you can add Sticky Notes to the startup manually. To Make Sticky Notes Stay on Windows Desktop, follow the steps below.

Step 1 – Add Sticky Notes to the Windows Desktop Startup Folder

Startup Folder stores applications that launch automatically when Windows starts. To add Sticky notes to this folder, do the following tasks:

First, you need to press Win + R and type shell:startup in the Run dialog, and click Ok.

Run box Startup Folder Windows

This opens a folder containing all the applications that launch at startup.

Then, you need to press Windows to open the Start menu. Now scroll down and find Sticky Notes in the list. Drag and drop Sticky Notes into the Startup folder.

Add Sticky notes to startup folder Windows
Make Sticky Notes Stay on Windows Desktop

Finally, close File Explorer and restart your computer. Sticky Notes should now open at startup on a Windows desktop.

Step 2 – Make Sticky Notes Open on Windows Desktop with Task Scheduler

There is an alternative method that you can make your sticky notes open on startup. To do this, follow the steps below:

First, you need to open Task Scheduler. From your search bar, you can find it and open the app.

Then, from the action panel click on Create Basic Task.

Create a task in task scheduler on Windows

Next, give a name to your task and click Next.

Give a name to your task on Windows desktop

Now check the box next to When I log on and click Next.

Choose your task start

At this point, choose Start a Program and click Next.

Choose your sticky notes action

In the Program/script field, type the following path:


In the Add arguments (optional) field, copy and paste the following command:

/c start shell:appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App

And click Next.

Enter your Program script and add arguments on Windows Desktop

Finally, review your settings and click Finish.

Finish sticky notes startup action

The Task Scheduler will now run Sticky Notes each time you log in. This way, Sticky Notes launches automatically at startup.


At this point, you have learned to Make Sticky Notes Stay on Windows Desktop. The easiest way is to not close the sticky note app. But if it doesn’t work, you can easily use Startup Folder or Task Scheduler to make your sticky notes open.

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