Best Web-based SSH Client To Linux with Shell in A Box

In this tutorial from Orcacore, we want to teach you how to connect Linux with web-based SSH
Migrate VPS Storage on Virtualizor Panel without Data Loss: Easy Steps

In this tutorial from the Virtualizor tutorials series, we want to teach you how to migrate VPS storage on the Virtualizor panel without data loss.
Work with Nano Editor Step-by-step with practical examples

In this article from the series of Linux tutorials, we will teach you step-by-step how to work with the nano editor. Nano Editor is a complete editor for the Linux command line environment, which is much easier to work with…
Migrate VPS on Virtualizor between two servers: Easy Steps

Now, from the series of features that this panel has, in this article, we are going to transfer the VPS between two servers so that you can get to know more about this feature.
Create virtual machine in VMware Workstation 17 pro: Best Steps

In this article from the Virtualization tutorials, We want to teach you how to Create virtual machine in VMware Workstation 17 pro step by step. As you know, VMware Workstation is a hypervisor software that can be installed on Windows…
Install Windows Server 2022 in Vmware Workstation 17 + Easy Video Tutorial

Step-by-step installation of Windows Server 2022 on VMware Workstation 18 Pro with full video
Install Security Updates on Debian 11 with Easy Steps

Linux operating system providers supply regular updates, most of which are operating system security patches but can also include updates to installed packages.
Install MariaDB 10.11 on Ubuntu 22.04 – Easy Steps

The current LTS version which is maintained for five years is MariaDB 10.11. Follow this guide to Install MariaDB 10.11 on Ubuntu 22.04.
Install and Use Metasploit on Ubuntu 22.04: Powerful Framework

Installation and usage of Metasploit on Ubuntu 22.04.
- Metasploit Installation
- Access Metasploit Console
- Use Metasploit - Perform a Scan
- Run a vulnerability scan with Metasploit
Install and Configure Dnsmasq on Ubuntu 22.04: Best Setup

Steps To Install and Configure Dnsmasq on Ubuntu 22.04 - Dnsmasq is a lightweight DNS, TFTP, and DHCP server. It is intended to provide coupled DNS and DHCP service to a LAN.
Set up ionCube Loader on Rocky Linux 8: Protect PHP Codes

Steps To Set up PHP ionCube Loader on Rocky Linux 8 - ionCube prevents unlicensed views, changes, and running of code on unauthorized computers.
Find MySQL Configuration File Location on Linux with 3 Easy Ways

Find MySQL Configuration File Location on Linux or my.cnf one Linux users challenge. In this article we want to teach you how to find it. The my.cnf file is the main configuration file available within MySQL and all of its flavors. The…
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