Install Let’s Encrypt on cPanel New Version: Easy Setup

This guide intends to show you how to Install Let’s Encrypt on cPanel New Version. If you’re looking for a free SSL certificate for your website using the latest version of cPanel, Let’s Encrypt is a great option for you. It provides free, automated, and open certificates which ensures that all sites have secure HTTPS connections without additional cost.

You may encounter an error while running the Let’s Encrypt Provider script, here we try to show you how to fix and install Let’s Encrypt on cPanel new version. To do this, you follow the guide steps provided by the Orcacore website.

Install Let's Encrypt on cPanel New Version - lets_encrypt_autossl_provider
Easy Steps To Install Let’s Encrypt on cPanel’s New Version

The Script install_lets_encrypt_autossl_provider Not Working

If you are using the cPanel version 118+ on RHEL-based systems, the install_lets_encrypt_autossl_provider script will not work for you and you will get the following error:

usr/local/cpanel/scripts/install_lets_encrypt_autossl_provider: no such file or directory

The above installer script just works on cPanel version 116 and earlier. If you are using cPanel’s new versions, follow the steps below to see how to Install Let’s Encrypt on cPanel New Version.

How To Install Let’s Encrypt on cPanel New Version?

For those who are using cPanel version 118+ on RHEL-based systems including CloudLinux 8/9, AlmaLinux 8/9, and Rocky Linux 8/9, they can use the following commands to clean up the cache:

dnf clean all
dnf makecache

Then, run the command below to Install Let’s Encrypt on cPanel New Version:

dnf install cpanel-letsencrypt-v2

This command is replaced with the provider script for installing Let’s Encrypt on cPanel’s new versions.

So, for the cPanel version 116 and earlier, you can use the command below:


For the cPanel version 118+, you can use the following command:

dnf install cpanel-letsencrypt-v2

That’s it, you are done. For more information, you can visit the cPanel support.


At this point, you have learned to Install Let’s Encrypt on cPanel New Version. If you are using CentOS 7 and CloudLinux 6/7 with cPanel version 116 and earlier, you can install the Let’s Encrypt with the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/install_lets_encrypt_autossl_provider script.

But if you are using CloudLinux 8/9, AlmaLinux 8/9, or Rocky Linux 8/9 with cPanel version 118+, you need to use the new command for installing Let’s Encrypt which is dnf install cpanel-letsencrypt-v2.

Hope you enjoy it. Also, you may like to read the following articles:

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Why should I use Let’s Encrypt on cPanel?

Because Let’s Encrypt offers free SSL certificates that help secure your website by enabling HTTPS.

What is AutoSSL in cPanel?

AutoSSL is a feature in cPanel that automatically installs and renews SSL certificates for your domains. You can easily enable it as we described in the guide steps. for the cPanel older version, you can use the provider script and for the new cPanel version, you can use the new command.

Does cPanel support Let’s Encrypt for all domains?

Yes, cPanel supports Let’s Encrypt for all domains hosted on the server, as long as the domains are correctly configured with valid DNS records pointing to the server.

Can I use Let’s Encrypt with multiple cPanel accounts?

Yes, Let’s Encrypt can be used with all cPanel accounts on the server once AutoSSL is enabled. Each user’s cPanel account will be able to generate SSL certificates for the domains they own, with certificates managed automatically by AutoSSL.

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